Michael Stipe shouts out Even Flow by Pearl Jam to Artist Waves.

“My very first thought was that voice, Eddie’s voice – wow, this is fresh and new, and we hadn’t heard a voice like that since Bad Company Seagull era Paul Rodgers, Screamin’ Jay Hawkins and Otis Redding – soulful and real, and pushing its upper registers, partly shouted, but really sung and tuneful and powerful. Like a roughed up Neil Diamond or Argent or The Guess Who. It was really ready for radio but rough and real.
Lyrically Even Flow told a story. Songs didn’t much tell stories then, that was fresh and new, and they all looked cool, too. Not retro. Not punk. Just like pacific northwest-something-is-going-on, an attitude that the rest of the country hadn’t picked up on yet. Musically, it was The Feelies, Glenn Branca, and Presence Led Zeppelin. It deeply resonated emotionally, and spearheaded, and helped crystallize an era.” – Michael Stipe
Read now Tattooed Everything, a 30th anniversary celebration special of Pearl Jam’s legendary debut record by our friends at artistwaves.com featuring Josh Klinghoffer, Mark Richards, Kelly Slater, Andrew Watt, Rob Machado, Sam Wilkerson, Isaiah Radke, Jim James, David Shaw, Lauren Jenkins, Eva Walker, Taylor Knox and Nicole Alvarez.
Listen to SiriusXM’s PJRadio for album specials to celebrate 30 years of Ten & 25 Years of No Code
Ten Special w/ Mike McCready & Stone Gossard – starts @ 11am ET today
No Code Special w/ Jeff Ament & David Fricke – starts @ 7pm ET today

Born in Reggio Emilia in 1980. He created pearljamonline.it in 2001 and wrote the first edition of “Pearl Jam Evolution” in 2009 along with his wife Daria. Since 2022, he is behind 2 podcasts: “Pearl Jam dalla A alla Z” and “Fuori Orario Not Another Podcast”. He has collaborated with Barracuda Style, HvsR, Rolling Stone, Rockol and Il Fatto Quotidiano. He continues relentlessly to try to find “beautiful melodies that say terrible things”.
Favorite song: Present Tense
Favorite album: No Code
Favorite bands/artists other than PJ: Tom Waits, Soundgarden, Ramones, Bruce Springsteen, IDLES, Fontaines D.C., The Murder Capital, Dead Kennedys, Mark Lanegan, Cat Power, R.E.M.