Mike McCready revealed to Rolling Stone he hopes to start working on something new with Pearl Jam soon.

“We haven’t done anything since we were on the road last year,” he says. “I’m not sure what we’re doing. I’d love to do something, but I don’t have anything right now on the table. We just had a big touring year last year, and two giant shows in Seattle for a homeless benefit. And those were amazing and exhausting and exhilarating. When we all get back together, I’m sure we’ll be creating again. But I don’t have any timeline on that right now.”

Born in Reggio Emilia in 1980. He created pearljamonline.it in 2001 and wrote the first edition of “Pearl Jam Evolution” in 2009 along with his wife Daria. Since 2022, he is behind 2 podcasts: “Pearl Jam dalla A alla Z” and “Fuori Orario Not Another Podcast”. He has collaborated with Barracuda Style, HvsR, Rolling Stone, Rockol and Il Fatto Quotidiano. He continues relentlessly to try to find “beautiful melodies that say terrible things”.
Favorite song: Present Tense
Favorite album: No Code
Favorite bands/artists other than PJ: Tom Waits, Soundgarden, Ramones, Bruce Springsteen, IDLES, Fontaines D.C., The Murder Capital, Dead Kennedys, Mark Lanegan, Cat Power, R.E.M.