Global Citizen’s 2019 Curtis Scholarship

A scholarship for young people passionate about ending extreme poverty.

Learning leadership skills, embracing the power of community action, and experiencing new cultures — these are just a few things Curtis Scholars have benefitted from in years past.

The Curtis Scholarship is an annual leadership development program to support youth ages 16-20 from underserved communities in the US who embody the values of global citizenship.Applications for the 2019 Curtis Scholarship will open on March 15 and scholars will be announced on June 3. To learn more about eligibility, requirements, and what you should include in your application, go here.

The Curtis Scholarship, conceived and funded by Global Citizen Ambassador and Pearl Jam manager Kelly Curtis through the Vitalogy Foundation, is an annual award to mentor and support Curtis Scholars. The Curtis Scholarship seeks to create, support, and equip a network of youth advocates and community leaders committed to local and global response on issues surrounding extreme poverty.