  • All material copyrighted to Pearl Jam belongs to Pearl Jam.
  • The content on this website, including news, quotes, data and other information, is provided by and taken from official websites – such as – or non official resources; song clips, videos, articles and photos are copyrighted to the sources as listed. Every attempt has been made to give appropriate credit to the original sources of the information. If any of the information is incomplete or in error please email us at The photos were taken largely from the internet and thus considered public domain. If the subjects or the authors claim further credits or want any material to be edited or removed, please contact us at
  • Lyrics represented in this site are official transcriptions taken from – where available – all other representations of lyrics are unofficial or freely transcripted. All lyrics are the property and copyright of their respective owners. All lyrics provided for personal use only (please see each album for copyright details).
About PJ Online
  • is made by fans, for fans. It is not an “official” website and is not meant to be perceived as such. The authors of do not have access to any personal information about Pearl Jam members or to any professional promotional materials such as photographs, autographs or recordings. The authors do not have any direct contact with Pearl Jam members & their crew, therefore we do not have the ability to arrange for interviews, concert bookings and such.
  • is fan-based & not affiliated with the band’s record label, management, or any entity in their organization. has always been fan-run, independent & self-financed through ads proceeds, which are used to help us cover the annual costs (server, database backups, domain, WP interface, connectivity and such) and to maintain and update the hardware and software equipment that allow its functioning.
  • You are welcome to circulate all news published on and their content, but please always quote the source.
  • The ONLY legit e-mail address related to & to its authors is

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