Neil Young & Pearl Jam Mirror Ball Live will be released on Archives Volume IV

Looks like a live recording of Neil Young with Pearl Jam is confirmed for Archives Volume IV.

Neil Young confirmed on his site that a live recording with Pearl Jam will be released on Archives Volume IV.

2 years ago, Young confirmed on his site that he would like to collaborate again in studio or on tour with Pearl Jam.

A documentary about the concert Neil Young and Pearl Jam played at RDS Simmonscourt Pavilion in Dublin on August 26th 1995 kept on hold for more than 25 years at the request of the record companies representing the artists involved, it was supposed to be published in 2018 but then it was postponed to a date yet to be set.

Neil Young’s Archives Volume IV will cover a period spanning the 1987 through the 2002 and should be published during this year.