MP3 of the Month: Luglio 2007
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Se c'è una parola nella quale credere è l'amore. Se ne sono accorti i Pearl Jam, pochi giorni fa, attesi in Danimarca dopo sette anni di assenza. Se ne sono accorti i loro fans, travolti da un immensa onda d'amore.

Nella piu' bella versione mai sentita di LBC, Vedder si è emozionato ed ha dimenticato molte parti del testo, i Pearl Jam si sono emozionati e per qualche istante hanno toccato con i loro cuori il cielo: posto nel quale la maledizione è stata sconfitta dall'amore. I Pearl Jam si sono stretti in un abbraccio pieno d'amore e di compassione con i loro fans e tutti siamo stati guidati dall'amore; l'unica parola nella quale ancora credere. Things were different then, all is different now, I tried to explain, somehow...

Is this just another day... this god forgotten place?
First comes love, then comes pain. Let the games begin...
Questions rise and answers fall... insurmountable.

Love boat captain
Take the reigns and steer us towards the clear... here.
It's already been sung, but it can't be said enough.
All you need is love, is this just another phase? Earthquakes making waves...
Trying to shake the cancer off? Stupid human beings...
Once you hold the hand of love... it's all surmountable.

Hold me, and make it the truth...
That when all is lost there will be you...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love...

It's an art to live with pain,... mix the light into grey...

Lost 9 friends we'll never know... 7 years ago today
And if our lives became too long, would it add to our regret? And the young, they can lose hope cause they can't see beyond today...
The wisdom that the old can't give away
Constant recoil...
Sometimes life
Don't leave you alone. Hold me, and make it the truth...
That when all is lost there will be you.
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word that I still believe and it's
Love... love. love. love. love.

Love boat captain
Take the reigns... steer us towards the clear.
I know it's already been sung... can't be said enough.
Love is all you need... all you need is love...
Love... love....

Qualità: 256 Kb/sec
Registrata: Copenhagen, Denmark, Forum, 06.26.2007